From fairy tales to the Salem Witch Trials, we are all familiar with witches. However, the term has been twisted far from its original meaning. Think of all the scary witches you've heard of- The Wicked Witch of the West, Ursula the sea-witch, Hansel and Gretel's evil captor, Maleficent: the list goes on! Now, let's think of all the good witches we know of: Glenda the Good Witch, The Charmed Ones, Sabrina the Teenage Witch... it's a much shorter list, no?
I will not dive into the depths of why or how the witch got such a bad name. Instead, I shall reveal to you the elusive, the very-real Modern Witch.

Instead, witches are shockingly normal. We have families, bills, jobs, and minivans. We don't ride on broomsticks (although I truly wish that were possible!) or change noisy neighbors into toads. We just see the world differently. We believe our deities reside in nature, and take part in our day - to - day lives. We see a certain magic in the world, and feel that we are able to harness that magic to create our own reality. And hey, guess what? You don't have to be a witch to harness that magic. ANYONE can do it! In a Witch's mind- all are equal in the eyes of the Divine. Witches practice a very real religion- full of love, and most importantly, self-responsibility.
This leads me to my next point. Witches are far from what you see in the movies. Most witches you meet don't curse everyone who crosses them into oblivion. I'm fairly sure that's impossible, really. Magic is not like Harry Potter- you don't get results immediately. Trust me, I wish it was that easy! True Wicca and Paganism is a positive, white-light kind of religion. "An' it harm none, do what ye will" is the Wiccan Rede. That's our first and most important rule! And what happens if you violate that rule? The Threefold Law. The Threefold Law states that whatever energy you put into spells or ritual, will come back to you threefold. So that means, if you send out positive, joyful vibrations, you will have good things coming your way! If not... well, it's not a pretty ending. In fact, I have personally met a Witch who used her gifts primarily to "punish" people. Instead of allowing Karma and the Gods to do their job, she took matters into her own hands. And I hate to say it, but she has paid for it. She always has some serious illness, major depression issues, and just plain unhappiness. It's truly a shame. So if you are looking to do this sort of thing- I highly advise against it. I have never wished harm upon another in the form of a Magical Curse, and I never will. If you are searching for Black Magic and the like, you shall not find it here.
All in all, I have met many fabulous Witches. They live normal lives, and practice their Craft happily and with love. Anyone can be a Witch- it just takes some open mindedness and a little practice. And you will rarely find a Witch who tries to force her beliefs or practices upon you. A Witch will most likely be open to helping you if you are interested- all you have to do is ask!
I end on this note: forget the horrid reputation that witches have been given. It's all a bunch of superstition and nonsense! And if you are a Witch- be proud, and Blessed be!
I absolutely love this! Thank you so much xx